Thursday, December 16, 2010

Y is for

YWCA - celebrating 93 years of serving our community.

There was no date given for this archival photo but judging from the autos I'd say it was taken in the 40s. I don't remember when it was located directly on the square.

The current facility on Henderson Street was built in 1965 and once housed an indoor swimming pool and offered childcare services.

The summer I turned sixteen I drove myself down to this Y to take a beginner swimming class. I planned on going to the lake a lot that summer and mother wanted to be sure I could swim. The indoor pool was just behind those glass blocks.

The class was composed of about eleven 4-year-olds and myself! I was only the student who drove to class on their own! The first class was to get to feeling comfortable in the pool and we had to spend it lowering our faces into the water. I had to get on my knees to get my face close enough!

The building was closed in 2007 and is being renovated to create a free domestic violence and sexual assault shelter, which is the only shelter of its type in Cobb County.


Mary said...

Oh my gosh, that must have been embarrassing to be the class. But it certainly makes for a good story now!

stringplay said...

Do you know,I don't recall being embarrassed at all. I think. I'm pretty secure in my immaturity. (smile). I finished out the class and was a swimmer at the end. Can still picture the changing room and smell the chlorine.

Yesterukes said...

Love the story. Funny...just reading about the changing room and I can "smell" the one at our old pool. That pool was owned by one of the old cotton mills in town. Now the pool is gone (filled in) and both mills are closed. Like many small towns that grew around the mills, ours is now just a shell of what it was when I was growing up.