or It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time
You know I have a "thing" about making bags. Any size, any technique. If you can make it and carry stuff around in it, I want to try it, especially if it can be made out of string.
For some time I've been itching to make the felted patchwork bag from Vogue (Holiday 2004 issue).
It is supposed to look like this
Several months back my LYS had some back issues in the bargain bin, so I bought the issue and contemplated the instructions. It's modularly knitted and they keep insisting on referring to those shapes as 'squares'. What you see above is Tier 1. 'Square' 4 of Tier 2 begins by picking up stitches from 'square' 1 and 'square' 2. Huh? So I've taken to safety pinning numbers on the 'squares'.
I also have no idea what part I'm currently knitting. I'm guessing Tier 1 is the bottom. [I'm kinda afraid to read too far ahead!]
I remember when Mary and I first knitted the bootees from "Last Minute Knitted Gifts". We decided to just blindly follow the directions and knit on in faith. It worked. Sure hope it works on this!
Today's Horoscope: "You can start a creative project now. Your deft touch can easily turn a sow's ear into a silk purse." Oh, yeah? What about a wool one?
Yes, that looks like another example of "knitting in faith." I bet you it will all come together beautifully!
I think it's looking kinda, well, colorful? Ha. It'll look great, I'm sure.
I just finished a crocheted bag. I keep forgetting to take pictures of it though. We're leaving tomorrow for 5 days so won't get to it before we get back. I love it!
Have fun.
Sheri in (SE) GA
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