Monday, March 8, 2010

E is for

Eddie's Trick Shop

An enduring fixture on the Square since the early 70s, Eddie's is the go-to place for costumes (not that I really ever need a costume). Children, especially, love to wander in and see all the masks, puppets, and magic tricks.

I had to lift this picture from the www because today was an especially busy day for the construction crews.

I encountered a few obstacles on my way across like this
crosswalk they were excavating.

Here's what it looked like when I got there.

I managed to make it across and inside where, as usual, I found the wall of eerie masks

and the requisite Elvis costumes!

Did you notice that the awning above also says Center Stage II Dance Wear? This is one part of the store that I have always found curious. At the very back of the building is the store that caters to the needs of all the local ballet and dance students and it is only entered by first walking all the way through Eddie's!

So those preschool ballerinas purchase their little pink tutus only after viewing all those strange masks and costumes!

Sunny and 69 , it was an exciting day on the Square; pedestrian-wise!


Mary said...

What an educational and exciting post!

minipurl said...

Eek!! An exceptional letter E!
I need to visit Eddie's someday. If only to see those Elvis suits

Kim said...

Haha. Those Elvis costumes are awesome!