Monday, March 22, 2010



39 degrees here as I type and another very chilly, wet, drizzly gray day.

Luckily I had my little OttLite to help me out and I finished another band on the band sampler. [reusing old photo there]

I stopped to check Flickr to see if anyone else had posted a picture of this particular design, but found none. I did, however, find a truly lovely one here and with a close-up photo of the drawn thread section here. Oh, my. Lovely.

And then, somehow, as I was wandering around looking at blogs and thinking of something else I could share with you, I discovered this blog and her amazing pictures of needlelace from Argentina that she calls Randa. How lovely! I didn't find many other references to it using Google. If you've heard of it (Pat? Barbara? Kay?) , let me know.

March brings breezes loud and shrill,
Stirs the dancing daffodil.
Sara Coleridge

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