Friday, October 30, 2009


I'm having a hard time explaining my current knitting even to myself.

What you see here, first, is the start of the Evergreen Bag from the book Handknit Holidays which I found in a bookstore while on vacation for the low price of only $10.98. Since it is a nice hardbound book with several projects I like, I was quite happy to find it.

Tuesday, in the pouring rain, I went to my LYS to try to find some suitable yarn. Naturally the specified yarn was not to be had. The few yarns that I found that I really liked, weren't available in two colors that I liked together. I wound up trying out one of the new Berroco yarns - Vintage - a blend of 40% wool, 50% acrylic, and 10% nylon. I picked Tidepool and Wasabi. I'm not sure I like this combo, but it was all I seemed able to come up with at the time. The lighting in my LYS is abysmal on the brightest of days and Tuesday was certainly not one of those!

Wasabi. One of those words I never heard until the last couple of years.

What I'm having trouble understanding about my own knitting is why I've turned to this project when I already had this one going.

That is the Lily of the Valley Scarf in 100% cashmere.

See! Doesn't even make good sense.

Since writing this post, I've worked a few more rounds on the bag, getting that wavy line in below the buttonholes for the drawstrings, and I'm even more ambivalent about it. None of my knitting seems to be pleasing at this time.

It may be time to call in Evelyn A. Clark!


minipurl said...

What a timely little post. I was just perusing Ravelry in the hopes of figuring out the Vine Yoke Cardigan that I have been secretly knitting for a few months now. Secretly, since I already have my Swallowtail Shawl in progress and about a zillion other "small" projects.
Is there a Knitter's Anonymous out there?
BTW, I like the bag. But Wasabii??? Wow. :)

Mary said...

I think you have two nice projects going there. And cashmere always makes sense!

Jolene said...

I have similar knitting periods... where nothing seems to excite me. I usually find that slogging away at current things and finally finishing something helps re-inspire me :)

seriously, 100% cashmere? I wouldn't be able to knit it... I'd have to roll around on the floor in it!!!

Britt-Arnhild said...

Happy knitting.
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