Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Enthusiasm. I used to feel full up with it, brimming over with it, but lately it is more elusive. Always visiting every day but often staying just a little while.

Ralph Waldo Emerson said "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm" and I couldn't agree more.

People busy creating things are by nature enthusiastic. Wouldn't you agree? I mean creating something is work. Work we enjoy obviously and so much so that it is play instead, but effort nonetheless. And when a project takes a bad turn and has to be reworked, well only true enthusiasm powers that train.

Reading lots of knit blogs I often read that the knitter has lost their mojo. What is that except a dulling of enthusiasm?

One of my favorite things about reading knit blogs is seeing the energy and enthusiasm of the bloggers. When a project is finally finished to their satisfaction how they gush and cannot wait to share it with us readers, often with elaborate and imaginative photo shots. I love these posts!

Sometimes their projects aren't always something I would like, or want to make, but it is still so much FUN to share their enthusiasm.
This DELIGHTFUL post is a perfect example.

And you know what? It really is a bit contagious.

And since no post seems complete without a photo (even though there are scads of great ones over that other post), here's a photo from Monday's walk over to the park in the square. I couldn't resist getting my picture made with one of my favorite guys. Woody is always enthusiastic.


Threads of Inspiration said...

Sorry to hear you are not feeling very chipper, I think that just happens when you are a creative person. The well dries up and you have to refill it. Maybe try something entirely different and you will feel inspiration again. I know I've been in your spot, just coming out of it actually. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

pamela w allen said...

Thanks for sharing Vanessa's wonderful post...her exuberance is infectious! Just what I needed this morning...


pamela w allen said...

Thanks for sharing Vanessa's wonderful post...her exuberance is infectious! Just what I needed this morning...


Sheri said...

Enthusiasm is what keeps me going, when I can find it. I have about 3 more rows to do on my Something Burnt and it will be ready for a soak and blocking. If it fits it'll be a first!
You look very nice standing with Woody! He's my Grandson's favorite character.
Happy Fall!

kaylace said...

Hi Sonja...
How did that girl get those flying pictures of the striped dress???? It is a mystery to me.

I like Woody, how did you get the photo??? Are you really that quick??

Without lows we can't have highs, a friend of mine told me that once. Seems it was you while working on some difficult socks during the time that I was in exile down at my MIL's... just about this time a year ago. There will be an up swing...

Being creative is so draining :)

Yesterukes said...

Threads Of Inspiration is right. Ups and downs are part of it.

Went to a professional development training years ago and still remember part of it--the speaker said we often have so many people "dipping" into our "bucket" to meet their needs that if we aren't careful, our "bucket" gets empty. He reminded us that is it so important to take time to refill our bucket so that we can continue to be of service to others and feel good ourselves.

So take time for yourself. Do something different. Or do nothing for a while.

(Think I may be talking to myself here because at the moment, the dippers are clanking into each other as they try to reach my "bucket.")

Yesterukes said...

PS Reading your blog is one way i refill MY bucket!