Tuesday, April 7, 2009

My one weakness

I have not quite embraced the digital television conversion. I've not been able to get my favorite of the two PBS stations here, but luckily the one I can get is currently showing season one of "Lark Rise to Candleford" and it has become Must See TV for me.

I have a Post-It note in my coffee cup cupboard that I move out on Sunday evenings to remind me to watch on Mondays and move back inside afterwards to await the next week.

It's more than worth tuning in each week to see the matching costumes worn by the Pratt sisters, the meddlesome snobbish pair that run The Stores, a ladies dress shop. And there has been a pleasing amount of stringplay to see. An early episode showed the character Queenie busy at a bobbin lace pillow, and last evening's episode featured an intricately embroidered tapestry. There are shawls galore as well as snoods, lace jabots, and fingerless gloves.

Julia Sawalha (shown above) who plays a main character, Dorcas Lane, is my favorite. She is wont to say almost every episode that something is her "one weakness". Naturally this one weakness is something different every time it is spoken. I can relate, can't you? I have weaknesses in the plural myself.

If you've read here much, you already know that an Evelyn A. Clark lace pattern is my one weakness. With the front and back finally finished on the wee aran baby sweater, I think I may pause and indulge my one weakness for a bit.


Mary said...
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Sheri said...

Yes, go for it, do some lace! I started a sock for the granddaughter, but it's in worsted weight, much faster!
We watch the Britcom's on Saturday night around here. So funny, but have to put on the captions cause I can't understand a word they say.
Can't wait to see what lace project you come up with next.