Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Not-so Local LYS

The little Vine Lace Baby Hat was a very quick and satisfying knit. I knew I wanted to make another one, and right away. Hooray for twins (especially if they are coming to someone else)!

My closest LYS is Knitting Emporium in Kennesaw. I really like the shop, but it doesn't carry Debbie Bliss yarns.

A few quick calls to the others to ascertain the colors available made my decision easier. I buzzed around and got the minimum of house chores done and was on my way by lunchtime to Why Knot Knit in Buckhead. And as a BONUS, I called my best friend, and she was able to meet me for lunch and a little catching up between friends!

You can tell I'm really green at this blogging business because it never occurred to me to take the camera! Too bad, too, as I could have taken a very sweet picture of Knit Camp. About 6 girls, roughly close in age from 7-9 or so, were gathered on the floor of the baby knits room with their knitting.

I didn't really want to interrupt even though that's the room with the Baby Cashmerino. I did my browsing and then "Knock, knock, mind if I come in?". I assured them they didn't need to move or move their projects. They had some nice looking stitches on their needles (and made out of some really nice looking yarn, too!). I complimented their work and asked their teacher (playmate?) what they were making. She said they were just learning some stitches today, but earlier they had done some needle felting and made their own needles using dowels and Sculpy clay. Oh, Man! I want to go to Knit Camp!

"Youth is a wonderful thing. What a crime to waste it on children."
George Bernard Shaw born this day in Dublin, Ireland 1856
or to put it another way, as the Man on the Porch said to George Bailey and Mary Hatch in "It's A Wonderful Life":
"Ah, youth is wasted on the wrong people."

1 comment:

Mary said...

Ohhh. . . cute little hat! What color yarn will you be using for the second one?

Maybe you should troll OBY/GYN offices looking for expectant mother of triplets. Triple the fun of baby-knitting! LOL!