Saturday, April 23, 2011

Deep Peace

Earlier in the week, with the doily gone horribly* off course, I was in need of a calming, relaxing knit.

I mean really! Isn't that why I knit in the first place?

Naturally my thoughts turned to an Evelyn A. Clark design - my go-to comfort knitting. I pulled out pattern and yarn, and then did The Strangest Thing. I started a project not designed by EAC. Amazing!

I started a pattern named Deep Peace which I discovered when one of my Ravelry friends posted her project. Norma doesn't have a blog, but if you are in Ravelry, check out her projects page. She does some lovely work.

Deep Peace. Now that's just what I am seeking.

*horribly is just overstating it, isn't it? It is only knitting after all. Just some silly little string. Nothing really horrible about it.


Yesterukes said...

Peace to you, in your kntting and in your life.

trailbee said...

I was in there last night looking for a pattern and did see this. :) Great minds ...
Thank you for the Easter wishes. I wish you the same.