Thursday, November 29, 2007

Four-Letter Words

…or the Cul-de-sac Dwellers Guide to Fitness and Exercise

For exercise, I usually walk in heat or cold, fair weather or rain, but in the fall I substitute a different form of torture exercise and I rake (and rake, and rake, and rake some more).

I love the trees but the task of raking is a seemingly endless and certainly thankless job.

Many four-letter words came to mind:
work, leaf, rake, sore
I tried not to think too many of those other four-letter words today as I was raking. Instead I tried to be thankful for the nice weather. I hoped the drought hasn't been too damaging to all the lovely old trees and they will be able to make it. And I was thankful, too, that I'm able to be home some days so that I can work and rake and not have to spend quality weekend/knitting time on this chore.

I thought of some four-letter words I like better:
play, read, knit and REST.

"Poems are made by fools like me, but only God can make a tree." Joyce Kilmer - 1914

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