Monday, February 27, 2012

I can be as contrary as I choose

I'm betting you recognize that line as one of the numerous gems uttered by the Dowager, Countess of Grantham in "Downton Abbey". Maggie Smith is something, isn't she!

As much as I enjoyed the stitch pattern of this project, I did whine a bit about the yarn, and the crumpled, wrinkly state of the WIP made it hard to love as well. But a warm bath and a good stretch worked as many wonders for the lace as it does for my own limbs. The finished stole is light and airy.

I'll do a proper FO post later. Not sure I'll be up to getting good photos or if I'll just make do with others I took quickly this afternoon.

In the meantime here are a few fun and clever Downton Abbey links:

Mary first pointed me to the Downton Abbey paper dolls. Love the many faces of the Dowager!

Roman Hills has indie-dyed yarn with colorways cleverly named for the characters, complete with lines of dialog. The Matthew colorway says "Don't play with me. I don't deserve it." while the Mary colorway says "You must pay no attention to the things I say."

Feel like some cross stitch? This etsy seller has one.

I love seeing how much fun people are having with this.

Downton stringplay. This gets the ideas going.

Just a reminder: online viewing only through March 6.


Mimi said...

I was a late comer to Downton Abby. Saw a couple of episodes from Season 2 and decided I needed to stop watching until I could go back and start from the beginning. So this afternoon, I did just that. Thanks to Netflix and Apple TV, I watched the first two episodes of Season 1. It's as good as everyone said. (And the little bit of season 2 I saw now makes more sense.)

Sheri said...

Oh, what a beautiful shawl, but the paper dolls! Can you believe that? Are you on Pinterest? Oh, that's where I found them, with pictures of all the characters. I'm having so much fun collecting them all. That cliff hanger on the last episode is going to make us all nutty I'm afraid!