Monday, September 27, 2010

Retro Rib Socks

Top Ten Reasons I Don't Hate These Socks

10. They fit......perfectly
9. Although terribly bland, I actually like the color (Fawn)
8. They should be quite warm and hard-wearing
7. They are finished.....FINALLY
6. I didn't run out of yarn....although it WAS close!
5. Now that they are finally done, I'm free to start an exciting new pair from my
NEW sock book
4. The yarn was inexpensive
3. They help me remember that it won't ALWAYS be 100 degrees around here
2. Making a three-dimensional highly-functional article with my own hands
and a single length of string is really cool!

...and the #1 reason.....
1. It is an Evelyn A. Clark pattern and I LOVE EAC!!

This is the Retro Rib Socks pattern (Winter 04/Interweave Knits) by Evelyn A. Clark which I knit years ago. I think it was the first patterned sock I made. It took me a long time to finish that pair, but honestly these took much longer. I started them before Easter. They were a travel project and stayed in the project bag neglected much of the summer. This is a lovely pattern and the rib variation makes them fit so nicely. However, it has more purls than knits and almost half of the knits are done through the back loop. I don't know about you, but that really slows me down. Totally worth it though in my opinion, as it makes a very classic-looking sock that works equally well for men or women. This Patons Kroy sock yarn is a 4-ply and at 166 yards/50 gr. is a bit thicker than some sock yarns. Ball band suggests a size 3 needle and I knit these on my favorite size 2 Inox dpns so that made a very thick fabric.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Everybody talks about the weather

Still HOT around here. Temperatures in the 90s continue, and we approach the first day of fall at least 10 degrees above average.

I, for one, am tired of overachieving.

Luckily the a/c holds out and I am inside with my really lovely yarn and Nancy Bush pattern.

On a recent Books on the Nightstand podcast, they had an episode titled "ice-cold pages" that mentioned books set in cold climates as recommendations of what to read during a heatwave. Well now that's a novel idea, so I decided to give it a try and I found The Children's Blizzard by David Laskin at my library.

This non-fiction account of a 1888 blizzard that hit the Dakota-Nebraska prairie may soon become too difficult to bear reading, but the first half is mostly getting to know the people that moved west to settle the area and the emerging science of weather prediction. Lots of Norwegian immigrants.

We may have oppressive heat and humidity but this book really puts my whines about the weather in perspective.

"Everybody talks about the weather, but nobody does anything about it."
(generally attributed to) Mark Twain

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

N is for


- Coin collectors in Cobb can find those nickles, dimes, and other coins at Robinson's Coin Town. This business, began as one counter at the back of a pet shop, has been on the square since 1972.

I confess that I don't often have a need to visit Coin Town, but I did pop across a few years ago to purchase a sixpence for a friend to wear in her shoe during her wedding. I wonder if it has brought her luck?

It was a nice day on the square. This past Saturday the continued, oppressive heat set a record high of 96 for September 11. Whew.

Monday there was at least a bit of a breeze as I walked across the square. Most welcomed.

I snapped this shot of the square as I drove past on the way home.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cherry Garcia Socks

Pattern: Basic Adult Socks by Deirdre Wallace; an Ann Norling Pattern
Yarn: Meilenweit* Multiringel - color 5030
which reminded me of chocolate ('course most things do!) and cherries
so I named them after a Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor that I've never even tried
Needles: Size 2 Inox dpns

I started these out with the 3x2 deep rib that Nancy Bush uses in her Gentleman's Plain Sock (in "Knitting Vintage Socks" book) but on fewer stitches. When I decided I would substitute the regular heel and toe from my Ann Norling pattern, I decided I should really probably NOT link this to Nancy's pattern. I mean there was very little left of her vintage pattern!

This Ann Norling pattern was the first sock pattern I used and one recommended to me by the yarn shop I visited. It is written for three weights of yarn and has specific numbers at each stage of the sock. It was a perfect introduction to sock knitting, for me at least.

These socks took me all summer and served as my travel or visiting project, never getting more that a few rounds at time knit. I deliberately did not try to match up the stripes. I thought they were more fun not being exactly matching. I'm hoping the recipient is equally amused.

I finished them up on Saturday, September 11 and it was another very HOT day so I decided to include my vintage church fan in the photo. In fact I later learned it set a record high temp for this day. I'm not surprised. Whew! This has been such a long, hot summer.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Take Out

"Dear Rob bring the sled
and come down tomoro
[sic] I am afraid they are
getting tired of this

I slipped out of the office and made a quick walk through one of the antique shops on the square. I do love a vintage postcard so it was no wonder I purchased this one as it was only 50 cents. There is definite fold right at the line separating the message from the address, but otherwise it is in nice shape. I cannot tell if the postmark reads 1902 or 1909. It was addressed to Mr. Robert Thorpe - OhioPyle, Pa

I always wonder about the messages on postcards and this one really gets me to wondering. It was mailed to an address in the same small town from which it was postmarked. Ray is asking Rob to bring the sled. Since it is postmarked in February, does this mean Ray is snowed in and has maybe overstayed his welcome? If so how is it he had a postcard and postage at hand? Perhaps he borrowed it from his hosts as well. Or maybe he is mailing from home and only needs Rob to bring the sled to help him move something else? Any thoughts?

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Why does the mail always run early when you have something you need to mail?

Just walked down (before NOON) to put a piece of mail in my box and the mailperson had already been by!
